Featured products

Moving careers forward

Moving careers and organizations forward, faster… right now. These featured courses are available on-demand.

Featured Products

Our featured products are designed to keep members informed and engaged when it comes to the most important
topics in our profession. They help CPAs from across the state network, learn, and grow together.



CPE. Anytime. Anywhere

Unlimited online access to 600+ CPE credit hours and 450+ courses on a variety of topics. Never miss a CPE deadline again. Create and customize your personal online course catalog for quick access to professional research and learning. CPExpress is available 24/7 with courses that cover accounting, assurance, ethics, employee benefit plans, not-for-profit, fraud, forensics and more.

Each USCPA program can be tailored to the needs of your organization. Contact a USCPA learning consultant to begin your professional development planning.

learning@uscpa.org | 555.555.5555

USCPA Featured Events

USCPA Featured Events

The conferences, major seminars, and unique membership events to move your career and our profession forward, together.

What Members Say

Diana Keener


To learn more about USCPA’s member networking events, contact Diana Keener:
